The Wait Is Over.. Finally, A First Look At Wonder Woman..

(Joshua Gilmore-Staff Writer)

In a night of amazing DC first looks, the CW Network and the “Dawn of the Justice League” event have given us a gift that has been many years in the making. Tonight, we finally saw Diana Prince emerge from the darkness of pre-production hell and the world finally got their first look at the movie “Wonder Woman”

As you can tell from the footage, we are going to get an origin story and the evolution of Diana Prince into Wonder Woman. It’s insane to think about how long this franchise has laid dormant and the multiple “failed” attempts at bringing this icon to the silver screen, but the emergence of Gal Gadot could be that long missing piece to the puzzle.


Wonder Woman Will Be Released June 23,2017

The Bat Is Unmasked..


(Joshua Gilmore-Staff Writer)

The team behind Batman v. Superman: Dawn Of Justice have released a new clip to the world and this scene is shocking to say the least..

There is a lot that could be read in this clip and, on the other hand, there is a lot that is not said. Is this a delusion of kryptonian grandeur or a Gotham nightmare or is this all of the above in a twisted reality?

Tell us your thoughts and don’t forget to check out Jimmy Kimmel Live this Wednesday for the world debut of the new Dawn Of Justice trailer.